End of The Year Celebration: EQ-Team 2023/24
It is our joy every year to meet, train and work with highly-motivated young men to achieve their dreams. It is with motivation, detailed dreams, a family-like team culture and a highly-intense learning year in the Workshop & Classroom that we are able to achieve our yearly goal: Ausbildung.
The beauty of being privately owned is also our biggest challenge. More about that on our finance blog here. The beauty of that is being able to keep our goal and react/shift accordingly to what is happening in our world. We started with a goal, the goal stays but the Concept of p3 is real-life problem based and around this same problem, solution oriented.
In 2018, we had different refugees in this region and in Europe that we do today. Due to the Ukraine wave and our past year experience with a Ukraine Lerner, we decided to take on 3 Ukraine learners as part of our 5 person EQ-Team this past year 2023/24. I explain all of this, because what was special about this 3 people was that they had German Level 0. If you have read our Concept, you know we made a huge exception on the things we look for when we go sort out through our many applicants.
End of the Year Celebration EQ Team 2023/24
So why did we do this? Did it work?? Did they make it?
Like i previously mentioned, the year before that, we made the experiment with one and if you have read the blog on how that turned out, this one person did extraordinary. So yes, we knew based on their 12 year of school in the Ukraine and their individual motivations and personal goals and all of the competence tests we make once they apply, we were able to say yes, we will do this as a team!
It is important also to say that all three of them were really young. One of them just turned 18 two weeks ago. So we knew based on their age and their country of origin that they do not have the pressure like our usual men from other countries to enter the Ausbildung as soon as they are done with p3 but they could take another year or so to further prepare.
As soon as we agreed to do this as a team, we knew the other EQ’ler on the team who knew way more German needed to have an understanding and team-player personalities in order to also sit the first few months in class with people that do not understand what is going on. We drafted a plan for those few months and the other two EQ’ler we accepted on the team, were perfect to encourage the other three. In the end, we had an amazing team of guys once again who cheered each other on, enjoyed working on projects together and learning together. Their good mood, inside jokes, strength to keep going and presence is something we have enjoyed all year long.
So without further ado, let me present you our Team and tell you where their next steps are, which we are extremely proud of. We call it 100% success rate.
Name: Shotiko
Country of Origin: Georgia
Specialization at p3: Carpentry
Next step after p3: Fachlagerist Ausbildung at KOCH Freiburg
Name: Andrii
Country of Origin: Ukraine
Specialization at p3: Carpentry
Next step after p3: Job with Stadtmission Freiburg and Sprachkurs
Name: Oleh
Country of Origin: Ukraine
Specialization at p3: Bike Mechanics & Carpentry
Next step: Stays at p3: Schreiner Ausbildung at p3-Werkstatt
Name: Mykola
Country of Origin: Ukraine
Specialization at p3: Metall
Next step: Stays at p3: Preparation Year through the ESF Project
Name: Harun
Country of Origin: Turkey
Specialization at p3: Elektro
Next step after p3: Mechatroniker Ausbildung at Wandres Micro-Cleaning
Thank you for all your support this year. Every like, comment, share, order of a product and donation, helps get the word out of our work and about this motivated refugees and how they are ready to continue positive influencing our society.
This year we also interviewed some past EQ’ler who are no done with their Ausbildung to celebrate them and to hear directly from them. Take a look at past Blogs and the Video Interviews here:
Youssef: „Wir sind richtig Familie hier."
Ibragim: „Ich wollte zeigen, dass ich das kann!"
Dawdas Weg von der Einstiegsqualifizierung zur Fachkraft
So we celebrated this year as a team and we will sure miss this guys. We are excited to hear from them a few years in the future!