Two weeks ago, our EQ’ler as well as Gorch (Sozial Pädagoge und Deutschlehrer) and Ibragim (Schreinergeselle) were able to visit the Landtag Baden-Württemberg. Gabi Rolland had invited [p3] a few months ago for a formal visit and we were able to send a small team as representation from [p3]. The idea behind such a visit, is to let people understand and learn further about the German government, politics and system in general.
As part of the visit, they were also able to visit a local museum, be present and listen to an official Plenary Session and even a Conversation directly with Gabi Rolland was planned (Landtagsabgeordnete:
Our EQ’ler were super thankful and excited to have been invited to such a visit. They were able to ask their questions and were impressed that even Gabi Rolland herself actually took the time to answer their questions.They felt that they were taken seriously and that was very important for them. Preparing for this visit was a great opportunity for the EQ’ler to learn some politic information, new technical german terms and prepare their questions accordingly. Gorch, our German teacher made sure our EQ’ler were well prepared and this is why it paid-off really well once they were able to ask their questions directly and that they were also answered. At [p3], we enjoy real-life learning as it increases the motivation to learn— in this case, German and we were thankful to have included a politics unit because of this visit.
We are thankful to Gabi Rolland and her team for the invitation!!
Here are some pictures that our EQ’ler took of their day at the Landtag in Stuttgart.